Founded in 2015 as part of kessler.vogler gmbh, avants outplacement specialises in outplacement and careers advice. We operate within an exclusive network of connections, supporting both clients and candidates professionally, proactively and on a personalised basis as sparring partner, employment market expert and guide for a defined period. In doing so, we offer companies competent assistance when it comes to letting employees go, and coach employees to help them reorient themselves and develop new prospects.
OutPlacement- and Career Adviser
T 043 305 00 35
Peter Vogler completed his commercial apprenticeship at a Swiss bank, subsequently working for 20 years in private banking, institutional sales and operations wealth management in Europe and Asia. In 2003, he continued further training as a HR expert, and in 2006, as coach and supervisor at IAP Zurich (Institute of Applied Psychology). In 2014, he became a certified outplacement professional and career adviser. He has assisted companies, teams and individuals for many years.
avants outplacements as a brand of kessler.vogler successfully passed the recertification of the SQS qualification and is also member of swissstaffing
Relocation to our new premises at Seefeldstrasse 5, 8008 Zurich
This year kessler.vogler has once again been awarded for being one of the best personnel service provider in the areas of "Executive Search", "Professional Search" and "Temporary Work"!
kessler.vogler is celebrating 15th anniversary.
New founding of the avants brand as service portfolio of kessler.vogler gmbh – specialising in professional outplacement and careers advice.
Advanced education to become a certified outplacement professional and career adviser.
Focus and expansion of personnel recruitment services in coaching within kessler.vogler gmbh.
Further training in Coaching and Supervision for Peter Vogler at IAP Zurich.
Peter Vogler trains to become personnel specialist.